GEMS New Millennium School Model United Nations Simulation Conference
The secretariat for this years NMSMUN consists of highly experienced individuals in the MUN world. Consisting of -
Fatma Ghayyour - Secretary General
Dhruv Laha- Deputy Secretary General
Ridha Fatima - President of General Assembly
Design Team
Every successful event needs an active and well oiled design unit. NMSMUN has been able to handle that well. Consisting of -
Aurobind Venu- Head of Design and IT
Vignesh Nair- Deputy Head of Design and IT
Logistics Team
This years NMSMUN is being met with a different set of challenges. Our Logistics team is here to clear those hurdles, consisting of-
Nawal Sajith- Head of Communications
Syed Irfan - Deputy head of Volunteers
Christy Binny - Head of Volunteers
The young adults of the NMS family have always been actively engaged in finding solutions to global problems, working towards a more prosperous world by participating in MUNs and taking initiatives to solve global issues. They say - “Opportunities don't happen you create them” The first-ever NMSMUN hosting 160 delegates from 16 different schools in the region was headed back in 2018, an opportunity created by a former student Advait Joshi, and we have never looked back ever since.
Then came along NMSMUN 2019 with the former student and head girl, Ameesha Gireesh who served as the Secretary-General and hosted over 200 delegates. Here we are at the first-ever virtual NMSMUN, because we here at NMS do not let adversities keep us down. The aim of this event is to not only promote MUN but to open young minds to various issues around us, get them thinking and encourage the youth to take action.
Assembly 1
Addressing the Issue of Cyber Warfare and its implications amid Covid-19
Post Pandemic Economic recovery of war torn countries
Climate Change and Displacement
security council
Strengthening regional institutions in South Asia
Crisis Committee
Combatting the escalation of political instability in Asia with special emphasis on Middle eastern nations
International atomic energy agency
Reforms to Nuclear Agencies and Treaties and addressing its implications globally
Human rights council
Addressing the issue of rise in domestic violence in the pandemic and post pandemic age
United Nations Environmental assembly
Reversing the impacts of climate change in a post lockdown era
High level political forum on sustainable development
Achieving Zero hunger SDG 2
United Nations world tourism Organization
Question of Tourism and the aviation sector in the Post Covid-19 World